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Converting to MP3 format

0 votes there a script that is available that can convert Apple audio recordings and WPA recordings into a MP3 format?  I have VLD 2.7.  If so please let me know where to find it..if not how much would it be for this script?  Thanks.
asked 11 years ago in Mods by db071079 (360 points)
had you ask vlad ?
Yes, I did.  He didn't really have an answer.  He just said that the player only plays mp3's.

1 Answer

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I hope vldpersonals will make new function so it still can be a popular datingscript.

sometimes we need more new function for it .. for mobile and social media ...

but it seems it is not so many mods makers anymore on vldpersonals  ...
answered 11 years ago by admin (11,810 points)

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