Help & Support
Please Read This First !!!
IMPORTANT ! If you don´t hear from me within a few days, please contact me again !
I have many clients and work 12 – 14 hours every day, so I try to help you so fast I can.
Sometimes I forget some of my messages because I get so many of them ! so be patience.
If you need my help, better you contact me ones more, and we will fix it so soon as possible.
I can help you install, change, move, update, customize, your site, for a fee. I’m cheap.
So if you need my help please send me a Support Ticket and get an immediate response.
If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Have problems and need a solution for it, please use our A & Q page.
Sometimes I´m very busy ;) but I will respond as soon as I can.
Click on the icon and send me a Request.
You don´t need to Register you can make it as a Guest;)
Please contact me here instead !
Price list of the most common design job and customize work I can do for you .
(I made this list because I daily get questions about prices etc.)
1. install a free mod and integrate it on your site. 15 – 25 usd
offer: (if you don´t know how to install a free mod I will do it for a fee)
price difference: (depends of how much I must customize it to fit your site)
2. install a forum and integrate it on your site. 35 – 55 usd
offer: (integrate vldpersonals members with your forum script and use the same database)
price difference: (depends of how much I must customize it to fit your site)
3. install and redesign a templates for vldpersonals. (price=ask me)
offer: (I can rebuild all sort of templates so it suit and work with vldpersonals templates system)
price difference: (depends of how much I must customize it to fit your site)
my comments: (it take much time to get all functions and coding to work in a templates)
4. logo and banners for vldpersonals and for all kinds of websites. 35 – 55 usd
offer: (I can make all sort of logos and banners for you) (I can help you give you suggestions)
price difference: (depends of how much I must customize it to fit your site) (color icons size font etc)
5. insert a facebook likebox on vldpersonals 15 – 25 usd
requirements: (I must have the iframe code from you !) ( I tell you how to do !)
price difference: ( depends of the integration should be on your sites front/sidebar or both )
6. upload and install vldpersonals software on your webhost 55 – 95 usd
requirements: (you need the software and license from vldpersonals)
offer: (I change the templates and languages for your decision and activate the licenskey)
price difference: (depends if I should make the the most important settings on your site or if you want to do it yourself )
8. Jquery Faqpage
9. Profile Preview
10. Front Content Slider
11. Birthday Mod
12. All Online Members
13. All Latest Members
14. All Newest Members
15. All Birthday Members
16. Gender Specific Mod
17. Integration of USA zip code search (other countrys too)
Please ask me for price functions etc … I had so many more mods so only ask me ;)
this is only price examples and are obviously much cheaper if I do more customize work on your site
and of course we can discuss everything about price changes mods etc. so do not be afraid to ask me.
Regards/gugu (

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Bootstrap 3.0 Theme for VldPersonals
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