Hire us to design your site.


Okey my friends now I had renew and start our forum again I hope it will be 

a better spamprotection now, but I must still approve all members manually.

Sorry for that but I have no time for spammers.

If I forget to approve you then it had gone 24 hours please contact me on the feedback and I will make it immediately.
I´m only a human and had many projects on my list so it is easy to forget;) 
it´s many members I must try to answer and get help every day.

I´m 100 % active on this site now so please use it, and don´t forget I had done this site for you.

VldMods forum is an extra supplement for  vldpersonals related questions,
vldcrowd, vldmods & vldpersonals, is a teamwork together.

We try to work together to help our members to be able
to do even better sites
with new experiences and knowledge  !

About the Author: gugu

Hey ... I´m the owner of this site ;) If you need help customize your vldpersonals site. Please ask me and I will try to help you. Enjoy reading !

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