Protect Members Images
I often get this question how we can protect members images.
Sorry ! You can never protect images for 100 % …
but you can make it more difficult for people to steal them !
I had made a quick tutorial how we can protect our images …
but it is only a quick tutorial how we can do it … with a demo …
Later it will be a mods for it here on vldmods
I must integrate it for vldPersonals first …
and not sure how to do it a easy way …
it need you to customize and change a few .tpl files.
but will be back later with a solution for that ;)

you can protect it with a transparent gif …
then a user try to save your images/pictures he/she only save the transp gifs :)
here is some info about it from google:
how you can make a better images protect with a transparent pictures over the images …
you can never protect your images for 100 %
but you can make it more difficult for people to steal them :)
1. Using CSS to position a transparent gif overtop of the image.
<img src="myimage.gif" width="100" height="100">
<img src="transparent.gif" width="100" height="100" style="position:relative; left:-102px; top:0px;">
2. Use the image as a background of a table and fill the cell with a transparent gif.
<table width="100" height="100">
<td background="myimage.gif">
<img src="transparent.gif" width="100" height="100">
3. Okey I will try to explain how it works. I think this is the best solution.
When a visitor right-clicks on the image to save it, they only right-clicking and saving the transparent image instead of the real one. (example: rename transparent gif = datings.gif and myimage = dating.jpg)
so then they try to save it they saved the dating.gif and it is only a transparent images …
if you name it transparent.gif I think they know thats wrong :)
<div style="width:100px;height:100px;">
<img src="dating.jpg" width="100" height="100" alt="" style="z-index:0;position:absolute;" />
<img src="datings.gif" width="100" height="100" alt="Dating"" style="z-index:1;position:absolute;" />
you can try how it works … click here … or use the images on this tutorials …
but remember this is only a tutorial how it works and not a solution for vldPersonal …
Another simple solution, disable right click on all images on vldpersonals website.
<script type=”text/javascript”>
return false;
Right click will work anywhere on the website but not on the images.
(Originalpost here. Thanks Inatmo)
We can do it in different way …
here is 10 another solution for it !
please comments and tell us that you think about it !

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