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Statistic in frontpage (vldpersonals)

People had ask me this question a few times … how to make stats on the frontpage:
I think some of us allready use stats on our sites and some not.
and some people don´t know how to do …
Maybee you have more stats code.
Please comments it here … so we can have a better stats code on our sites.
Now I will explain how to do: (the code is …)
total members:

online members:

example for 2.5.3:
insert the code in your header.tpl or homepage.tpl
find this code:

<div id=”sidebar”>
…the stats code here …

here is how I did it on my site (2.5.3)

<div id=”sidebar_wrap”>
<div id=”sidebar”>
<br>total members:
<br>online members:

but on 2.5.5 it is little different
you must insert the code in sidebar.tpl
find {polls:polls=””} in the bottom of the page.
and the code will be like this:

<br>total members:
<br>online members:

I use tags <br> so it will be like this:
total members
total online
if you don´t … it should be like this:
total members total online
some templates has sidebar in header.tpl some in homepage.tpl
and the newer versions of vldpersonals have it in sidebar.tpl
so we can do it in different way but only ask and I try to explain how !
I had try the code in both 2.5.3 and 2.5.5 and know it´s working !
I had try to get man/woman stats to working but no success with it.

About the Author: gugu

Hey ... I´m the owner of this site ;) If you need help customize your vldpersonals site. Please ask me and I will try to help you. Enjoy reading !

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