Like Box for VldPersonals
This is a beginner tutorial how to insert a facebook like box in sidebar for vldpersonals.
it can be different between templates but later I will make another tutorial how to make it even better !
1. had you make a account for your website on facebook ?
if yes you can begin to read the tutorials now ;)
if not please start to make a account first ;)
(how to do it ? you can look at the end of this tutorials !)
2. make a copy of sidebar.tpl and save it on your computer.
(you need a copy of sidebar.tpl if something goes wrong so you can restore it !)
3. login on yours account on facebook and follow my guide !
go to facebook developers plugins.
you will find something like this ! customize it !
then you are finished hit the get code button.
the iframe code is that you need on your site now !
4. now we should insert some code in sidebar and then try it and test it ;)
open sidebar.tpl in a texteditor I recommend notepad ++
then you find a good place to have the like box insert the iframe code there !
I insert the code between polls and banners on vldmods community! (login demo/demo)
the iframe code here
(you can found this code in the end of the page)
okey we can make it much better but you must edit a few more tpl files.
to get it working for you so how to do it will coming tomorrow !
if you don´t know how to make a account on facebook I will try to explain it here !
1. create a page for a celebrity, band or business.

5. and here is how you create your new account.
if you allready had a facebook account you can use it now to create a new one.
if not make a new account and then you can start to build your like box !
click on the add like box button and follow the tutorials from the beginning.

facebook page … and look at the webbrowsers adress field … there you can see the code for your facebook page!
if you have any question please ask me and I will try to help you get it to work you can see it
working on vldmods community.
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Hey thanks so much! It worked perfectly! :)
glad that i could help you