VldPersonals tutorials
Hey please tell me if you wish some tutorials for vldPersonals. and maybe I will do it for you. I will try to make one new/week. So tell me that tutorials you need. If you don´t tell me I can´t know ;)
Okey my friends now I had renew and start our forum again I hope it will be a better spamprotection now, but I must still approve all members manually.
File Compare Program
Many file compare program cost money but this is free open source. You can download it here …
Statistic in frontpage (vldpersonals)
People had ask me this question a few times … how to make stats on the frontpage: I think some of us allready use stats on our sites and some not. and some people don´t know how to do … Maybee you have more stats code. Please comments it here … so we can have a better stats code on our sites.
Search Engine Optimization
Google has recently updated and released this beginner’s guide to search engine optimization. Google Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide are going through important things you should think about to get better rankings on search engine like Google. Take a look at the 32-page version PDF version here.
Moderators for VldPersonals.
I get a question how to make a moderators for VldPersonals. I will make a tutorial how to do. Sometimes then your sites grow and it is many new members who register it can be difficult to admin to handle it alone so we need a moderator to help us.
Answer & Question
Okey guys you had ask me a few time if we can have a question & answer page here. Now we had it ;) You are welcome to ask related question of vldpersonals. how to … request … customize … others … mods … templates … and we will answer you so soon as possible !
Okey now we start our new marketplace. sell your mods templates thatever you need to sell. only it is related to vldpersonals or datingscript. (please try it and tell me if you need my help.)
Add banner in footer or on content for (vldpersonals 2.7)
how to add banner to the footer and to the content of my pages , I search and found 3 tutorials about this, so I don´t think we need ones more :) my comments: (thanks db3204)(you are making very great tutorials)
New ideas for vldmods.
Here will soon be a special page so guest can post here. ofcourse I must approve it first. our question & answer page will also be finished so be patience ;) we should also have a ticket supportpage here. and many other great stuff ;) and now we also have a marketplace there you can sell your mods !

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Bootstrap 3.0 Theme for VldPersonals
New templates on luvpoint for vld.2.7
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Newsletter Mail System for vldPersonals
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Auto update copyright date !
Include a Browser Detection
Register Step by Step Mod
Display a register form at the front page.
Why we need a Bootstrap theme for VldPersonals. Campaign Now 30% OFF
Tool Tip Registration Mod
Answer & Question
60 Mods to Make Your Site Better